Monday, December 24, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Day 8: Gift Sets GALORE. You don't want to miss this!!
Welcome to DAY 8 of the 12 Days of Christmas!!
Day 8 brings you all our gift sets at 20% off!!
Day 8 brings you all our gift sets at 20% off!!
This is actually pretty major. Our gift sets are already a special deal, this is double special deal. All
week, we’ve introduced you to the pieces and offered a promotion. This is just like adding
hot fudge to your sundae. Way, WAY fun shopping today!
week, we’ve introduced you to the pieces and offered a promotion. This is just like adding
hot fudge to your sundae. Way, WAY fun shopping today!
three's a charm: one to wash, one to wear, one tucked in the diaper bag. a 3 piece basics
gift set is a beautiful gift for any parent or caregiver. please pick from any of our styles and
sizes. All the artwork is hand painted, so like our sweet little ones, each are unique and
their subtle differences make them beautiful and unique.
gift set is a beautiful gift for any parent or caregiver. please pick from any of our styles and
sizes. All the artwork is hand painted, so like our sweet little ones, each are unique and
their subtle differences make them beautiful and unique.
three's a charm: one to wash, one to wear, one tucked in the diaper bag.
a 3 piece basics gift set is a beautiful gift for any parent or caregiver. please pick
from any of our styles and sizes. All the artwork is hand painted, so like our sweet little
ones, each are unique and their subtle differences make them beautiful and unique.
a 3 piece basics gift set is a beautiful gift for any parent or caregiver. please pick
from any of our styles and sizes. All the artwork is hand painted, so like our sweet little
ones, each are unique and their subtle differences make them beautiful and unique.
dribble and drool = double trouble. that's right. it's not all pretty parenting. we present the 2-in-1 bib&burp cloth. thoughtfully designed a contour shape to resist falling off your shoulder, this burp cloth is also a bib with built in snaps.Ultra soft 100% cotton french terry side is just as gentle & soothing againstbaby's skin as the 100% pima cotton side, and extra absorbent too.
all you need is love, love, and more love. we've paired our big love blanket and our little lovie,
for the ultimate in snuggling and soothing. two sets: keep one at home and on in the stroller!
they will become a favorite!
for the ultimate in snuggling and soothing. two sets: keep one at home and on in the stroller!
they will become a favorite!
the perfect set for a great day out. all dressed and ready to go in an easy elastic back opening romper and our deliciously soft booties. both are great for layering in chillier weather or perfect on their own. we've included our bib&burp, 2-in-one piece. really, it's like you're getting another piece for free :) it's snuggly and practical for all your little adventures!
snuggling and hugging is never easier than with our romper or roo all cuddled in with our big love blanket and little lovie. soft and cuddly, the snug me, hug me set is all about spending quality time!
everything you need to welcome your little one into the world surrounded by softness, comfort, love and ease.
baby clothes gift sets,
baby gifts,
best baby gift sets,
christmas gift sets,
holiday 2012 baby gifts,
holiday gift sets,
infant gift sets,
pima cotton baby clothes
Friday, December 14, 2012
Day 7: Big Love Blankets. More than just a blanket
I know we're really winding down the day, but we're also really
winding down the holiday shopping window, and I don't want you to miss out on
this VERY special baby blanket. it's SO much more than just a blanket, really.
winding down the holiday shopping window, and I don't want you to miss out on
this VERY special baby blanket. it's SO much more than just a blanket, really.
welcome to DAY 7 of the 12 Days of Christmas!!
Day 7 brings you all big loves at 20% off!!
it’s easy to fall in love with our big love blanket. we big time did.
it’s our favorite piece in the line! designed with arm pockets to make life more
snuggly, to conveniently carry a quick change, and keep warm during a changing.
it’s our favorite piece in the line! designed with arm pockets to make life more
snuggly, to conveniently carry a quick change, and keep warm during a changing.
It's unique heart shape helps mom hold in place for nursing. It's discrete,
and maintains full access for eye contact, touching and peek-a-boo games.
and maintains full access for eye contact, touching and peek-a-boo games.
It's shape also perfect for stroller rides, as it wont get caught in the wheels!
Light a candle tonight at 9pm: CT babies
Lets light a candle together at 9pm tonight. We will shine a light on the lives of those precious babies who lost their lives in CT today, and shine a light on the lives that remain. Are you a blogger? please feel free to copy and paste this picture on your blog. Lets come together as a community to support these families, even if only with light and prayer.
connecticut shooting,
gun violence,
newton CT,
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Day 6: we can all use more little more lovies
welcome to DAY 6 of the 12 Days of Christmas!!
Day 6 brings you all little lovies at 20% off!!
Day 6 brings you all little lovies at 20% off!!
click, shop & ENJOY!!
we can all use a little more lovies! our little lovies are made just for little hands.
ultra soft & absorbent french terry side provides tactile exploration and the pima
cotton side is luxuriously soft for self soothing and snuggling.
ultra soft & absorbent french terry side provides tactile exploration and the pima
cotton side is luxuriously soft for self soothing and snuggling.

oh little lovie, we do love you so! some day my children will not appreciate this,
but I’m spilling the beans. they both sleep with their “fwanky.” no, that was not baby talk
for blanky. my older daughter made it up one day when she was about 18 mos, and from then
on it was Fwanky. Fwanky is a she, white and pink, and about the size of a throw pillow. she’s
pulling apart a bit, has been caressed thread bare in places. she’s beloved.
but I’m spilling the beans. they both sleep with their “fwanky.” no, that was not baby talk
for blanky. my older daughter made it up one day when she was about 18 mos, and from then
on it was Fwanky. Fwanky is a she, white and pink, and about the size of a throw pillow. she’s
pulling apart a bit, has been caressed thread bare in places. she’s beloved.
babies lo-o-oo-ove tactile play and soothing. our little lovie has an absorbent french terry side, which they really enjoy exploring and touching. plus, it does comes in really handy when juicy parenting comes into play. the Pima Cotton side is all about snuggling, nuzzling, and soothing. ready for snuggles, play and spills, all our little lovies are 20% off aaaaallll day!
click, shop, ENJOY!! xo
click, shop, ENJOY!! xo
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Day 5: booties and the land of disappearing laundry
welcome to DAY 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas!!
Day 5 brings you all our booties at 20% off!!
little toes need to be kept cozy, & little legs are uniquely skilled at kicking
everything off. our design answer are these super cute kick-resistant booties.
inner & outer lining of pima cotton ensure all the softness you would want & the ankle
elastic hidden inside, away from baby’s skin, wont pinch while staying put.
everything off. our design answer are these super cute kick-resistant booties.
inner & outer lining of pima cotton ensure all the softness you would want & the ankle
elastic hidden inside, away from baby’s skin, wont pinch while staying put.
babies have amazing kicking skills. to illustrate this point,
I’d like to show you this little video I took. This guy is 1 month old.
I’d like to show you this little video I took. This guy is 1 month old.
I’m just going to put it out there, that if we gathered up all the missing baby booties
and socks in the world, we might be able to fill grand canyon. I cannot tell you how
many little sockies go missing and join the land of disappearing laundry. you know
what I’m talking about. you’re out and about, look down and there is one,
admittedly crazy cute, little foot sticking out with icicle toes.
and socks in the world, we might be able to fill grand canyon. I cannot tell you how
many little sockies go missing and join the land of disappearing laundry. you know
what I’m talking about. you’re out and about, look down and there is one,
admittedly crazy cute, little foot sticking out with icicle toes.
imagine if THEY JUST STAY ON?! imagine if they’re cute and cozy, they don’t pinch and you can layer for chillier days? yup, it’s true. you can have it all. our booties are on sale today!
baby booties,
baby socks,,
cutest baby clothes,
functional baby clothes,
infant clothes,
innovative baby clothes,
pima cotton,
pima cotton baby clothes
New York, NY, USA
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 4 of 12: our little roo, not quite what you're expecting
"Kangaroo Mom
Hopping around
Carrying the world
Around in her sack"
I once saw this quote flash up on a screen in an elevator.
I've never forgotten it, and now I 100% get it.
I've never forgotten it, and now I 100% get it.
welcome to DAY 4 of the 12 Days of Christmas!!
the roo gown was designed for the little bitties. i loooved my babies little newborn crunched up legs. but they do have a tendency to get caught in between the legs of the rompers and jammies, and traditional gowns tend to bunch up too. we say, just let little leggies be free from the start, while staying cozy, allowing plenty of access for bicycle legs, quick changes and snuggles.
the roo gown offers scratch mitts, and the easy back elastic opening for changing, but the bottom is sewn up like a little roo pouch so baby’s legs are fee, comfy and cozy. we watched while one mama helped her little dude out, completely unhindered with a series of bicycle legs and belly relieving exercises. available in 0-3 and 3-6 mos, in cloud dancer white and microchip stripey with 3 choices of artwork. Click on the here to get your roo gown now!!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Day 3 of 12: bib&burps changing the landscape of juicy parenting 20% off today!
welcome to DAY 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas!!
Day 2 brings you all our bib&burps at 20% off!!
Day 2 brings you all our bib&burps at 20% off!!
okay, let’s share and maybe gripe a little. how many times have you picked up your burp cloth off the floor today? how many bibs has your sweet little drooler soaked thru, as well as the onesie beneath it?
when my little guys were bitty, the bibs and burp cloths became a core piece of my day, my clothing and my diaper bag. here’s what I found frustrating... the burp cloth slipped off my shoulder CONSTANTLY, and the bib didn’t have adequate coverage or absorption. no big deal, you say? tell that to a tired parent, who is gently soothing a fussy baby who lets go all over their shoulder, and realizes the burp cloth has slipped off somewhere, sometime, some place. now we can’t guarantee absolutely no slippage. but, we can tell you this sucker really hangs in there. then, we took it to the next level and doubled it up as a bib by simply adding snaps on both sides. the same contoured shape that works so well for staying on your shoulder also makes it the perfect full coverage bib. did we mention the babies love to play with it too?
one side is ultra soft 100% pima cotton, which is super absorbent all by it’s self. we lined the other side with 100% cotton french terry, which is just as gentle & soothing against baby's skin as the pima cotton side. double absorption power.
it’s really win-win-win-win-win and win.
baby clothes,
baby clothes on sale,,
burp cloths,
christmas sale,
frech terry,
holiday promotions,
pima cotton,
pima cotton baby clothes on sale
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Day 2 of 12: Have you met our rompers?? 25% off today only!
how are you enjoying your 12 days of holiday gifts?
today it's all about the rompers.
have you met our rompers yet? a playful peek-a-boo over the head, and this little piggy
over the legs. our rompers are designed with an easy elastic back opening so you & your
baby will quickly & easily enjoy many dressing & changing positions: on back, on lap,
standing, sitting & (our favorite) face-to-face.
over the legs. our rompers are designed with an easy elastic back opening so you & your
baby will quickly & easily enjoy many dressing & changing positions: on back, on lap,
standing, sitting & (our favorite) face-to-face.
the lap shoulder construction makes it easy to pull over baby's head. it opens to shoulder width,
so for newborns, we recommend just sliding it up from the toes. diaper changes are a breeze,
and no need to fully undress your baby, especially a newborn. the easy elastic back opening
also allows skin-to-skin contact when only that touch can do.
so for newborns, we recommend just sliding it up from the toes. diaper changes are a breeze,
and no need to fully undress your baby, especially a newborn. the easy elastic back opening
also allows skin-to-skin contact when only that touch can do.
day 2 of our 12 days of Christmas brings you all our rompers at 25% off!!
baby clothes,
baby rompers,,
changing baby,
christmas promotion,
easy diaper change,
holiday baby clothes,
innovative design,
pima cotton baby clothes
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